Healthiest Dog Breeds | Live A Long & Full-filling Life With Your Dog


Healthiest Dog Breeds

Choosing a dog can be a difficult task for anyone. A dog is for life and many things need to be taken into account when choosing a dog breed for your next pet. This is because some dog breeds are healthier than others. If you’re planning on getting a dog you may want to know the healthier dog breeds. Although all dogs can be healthy if they get the right amount of exercise, discipline, affection, food and regular vet check-ups, there are a number of dog breeds that are more prone to health problems that you may want to avoid.

It is a known fact that dogs do not live as long as humans, with an average life span of 10 - 13 years which means it is important for owners to make the most of the previous years with their dog. A dog is not only just a pet but part of the family.

There are hundreds of dog breeds so it can be a difficult choice. Although many things are taken into considering when choosing a dog, one thing to note is the healthiness of a dog breed. As all owners will want their dog to live for as long as possible, choosing a dog breed which is healthier and less prone to health problems would be a good idea. Choosing a dog breed that is prone to problems could lead to expensive vet visits, operations, insurance and much more.

So why not take a look at this list of the healthier dog breeds to help you pick a dog that will be in your life for as long as possible. There is no hard evidence for the healthiest dog breed however this list of some of the healthiest dog breeds takes into consideration how often the particular breed has health issues.

Australian shepherd

The Australian Shepard is one of the healthiest dog breeds. They have a reputation for having relatively no bone, skin or fur problems. Many breeds often suffer from bone or skin and coat problems frequently. The Australian Shepard is an all-purpose sheep and farm dog. They are highly intelligent, very active, obedient and agile. They require frequency exercise and mental stimulation and have a life span of up to 15 years. They also require very little grooming which is a great benefit to owners. Although they are prone to some health issues, this is often in older dogs as is the same in all breeds, as it comes with old age.

Border Collie

There are a small number of minor genetic conditions which can affect border collies however as a result of advances in DNA testing, they have become easier to control. Border collies have lots of energy known for their intelligence and obedience, they are definitely one of the healthiest breeds. They have a lifespan of up to 14 years and great for families and people who are highly active. They require plenty of exercise and access to the outdoors to explore and play, perfect for country living.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is another healthy dog breed. This breed is amongst a number of working breeds which are considered some of the healthier breeds with only a small number of minor health problems. This type of dog is traditionally used for cattle herding and they are still popular working dogs. They are very intelligent, assertive with great problem-solving skills and agile. Australian cattle dogs have a life span of up to 13 years and great for active owners. The big health concerns, in older age, include hip and elbow problems as well as deafness.


The foxhound is another healthy dog breed and is another working breed. The foxhound has been used for fox hunting and thus their genes could be healthier than some other breeds. They have a lifespan up to 13 years and are a great family dog, particularly for those living in rural areas or on a large farm or wooded area, so they can get plenty of exercise. They are not prone to any big health issues and do not take much grooming.

Many of the healthiest dog breeds are often working breeds which suggest the healthiness is in their genes. As working dogs get plenty of exercises and develop excellent problem-solving skills, agility and much more, they have become less prone to health issues over the years. 

There are hundreds of dog breeds to choose from and which type of dog you decide, it is important that you ensure that your dog has regular vet check-ups as well as flea and tick preventions to maintain their health.