US Service Animals - Is CBD Oil Safe for Dogs? | Most Studies Say Yes


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It seems that over the past couple years CBD oil has been making headlines. Some individuals may think it is making headlines for the right reasons and others may be thinking it is for the wrong reasons. Either way, there have been proven benefits to arise from CBD oil. Many of these benefits have to do with humans, but can dogs reap the benefits too?

What is CBD Oil?

To easily sum it up, cannabis oil is the extract that comes from marijuana plants. You are probably thinking oh my gosh, is this oil going to make my dog high? The answer is no.

There are thousands of compounds that arise from the marijuana plants, with THC and CBD being the most popular. THC is the compound that individuals seek when they want to get high. CBD has not been found to cause any psychoactive effects, so it won’t make you high. It is most common for individuals who want to skip the high and enjoy the other benefits that CBD may have.

CBD Benefits for Dogs

Some dog owners have turned to CBD oil to help their furry companions. Some of the benefits of the oil for dogs include:

  • Reduced Anxiety
  • Fights Cancer
  • Can Treat Seizures and Epilepsy
  • Relieves Pain
  • Can Help with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Reduces Chronic Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease
  • Protects the Nervous System
  • Increases Appetite and Helps with Nausea
  • Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Is CBD Oil Safe?

The good news is yes. Many studies have shown that there are health benefits associated with CBD oil and dogs, and it has appeared to be safe. Studies have also shown that even when given in high doses for long amounts of time there were no negative results.

CBD oil can interact with other medications, so if your dog is on other drugs it is important that you reach out to your holistic vet to ensure that the combination of the medications and the CBD oil is safe.

The Symptoms to Keep an Eye on

Like with all medications, every person or animal may react differently. Although 9/10 animals may respond positively, there is always going to be that one that struggles. It is important to know which signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for in case your dog has a negative response.

  • Dry Mouth: Your dog can’t tell you if they have dry mouth, but it’s safe to say they might increase their water intake. And increased thirst could also be a sign of other serious problems, such as antifreeze or rodenticide poisoning, or conditions like diabetes.
  • Tremors: Human patients with Parkinson’s disease have reported increased tremors at high doses of CBD. Tremors of any kind should be cause for concern in a dog.
  • Low Blood Pressure: If your vet notices low blood pressure during your next wellness visit, let them know that you have been giving your dog CBD. Until then, check whether your dog seems overly tired or lethargic.
  • Lightheadedness: Your dog won’t tell you if they’re feeling lightheaded, but they might seem disoriented or dizzy.
  • Drowsiness: Pay attention to your dog’s sleeping patterns to see if there’s any change.

How to Choose a Good CBD

There are different CBD oils on the market and it can be difficult to figure out exactly which one you should purchase for your dog. The following info might help you make your decision.

  • Make sure the product is organic: If it isn’t organic, your CBD oil contains pesticides, fungicides or solvents.
  • Don’t cheap out: The higher the quality and purity, the higher the cost. Don’t price shop … make sure your CBD oil is free of additives and has a good amount of CBD.
  • Get the analysis: Ask for a lab analysis of the amount of CBD in the product. Many CBD oils contain only small amounts of CBD. The manufacturer should provide a certificate of analysis. You’ll also want to make sure there is little or no THC in the product.
  • Buy CBD as a tincture: You can buy CBD in treats but the best form is in a tincture. This way, you can adjust your dog’s dose drop by drop to make sure he gets the most benefit.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day the decision to use CBD oil for your dog is completely up to you. Make sure you do your research and follow instructions precisely. If you have any doubts or hesitations reach out to a holistic vet and get their input. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

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