US Service Animals - Can You Get A Service Dog for Allergies | It Depends


Service Dog For Allergies

There are numerous illnesses, conditions, or disabilities that can greatly effect and individual’s life. Sometimes harmful substances or situations aren’t visible to us, or we are unaware of their presence. In a situation like this it would be nice to have some kind of sixth sense to warn us of danger ahead. For people who suffer from certain allergies, a service dog can do just that – be your sixth sense.

The primary roll for service dogs for a person who has allergies is to be able to sniff out allergy causing substances. This is usually performed on food or drinks before it is consumed.

What is incredible about a dog sniffing for allergens is that they are trained to recognize specific smells that are dangerous. A dog has a higher sensitivity to smells than us humans and they are able to pick up on hundreds of different scents. This is one of the reasons that dogs are able to pick up on the scent of their human so well. So, pair a dogs genetically specialized scent of smell with some intense training and you will have yourself one amazing allergy companion.

What You Need To Qualify

In all cases, in order to qualify for a service animal, you will need to get approval from a physician. The physician will need to verify if you have allergies and how severe they are. Generally, service dogs are used when a condition severely impacts a persons well being. Once you obtain qualification from a physician, you will be able to get a trained service dog. Unfortunately, service animals can be very expensive so it is important to strongly consider if getting one is a good option for you.

Service Dog For Allergies

One of the tricky things about finding a service dog for someone with allergies is that they can often be allergic to the dog! There are specific breeds that are most commonly designated for service use, but others are used when allergies come into play. The most common service breeds for those with allergies are labradoodles and poodles. Hypoallergenic dogs are the way to go, but it is important to choose a breed that is intelligent enough for service work.

How A Service Dog Can Help Someone With Allergies

Allergen detection service dogs can be a game changer for their owners. Service dogs are able to smell even the slightest traces of potential allergens. These can be masked within food or simply in the air. This is essentially a life-saving task because those who suffer from anaphylaxis can face life threatening situations from the smallest amounts. Service animals who are trained for allergens will undergo personalized training to be able to recognize the problem allergens for their owner. It isn’t simply an occasional help; these dogs constantly scan foods and other areas for a scent of allergens.

A service dog isn’t just a companion, but it can be a life line. If somehow the owner ingests harmful allergens the dogs are also trained to react or get help. The owners are able to live a more “free” life without the constant stress about worrying over every meal or what the air quality is that day.

Service dogs do tend to have a hefty price tag, but if you believe your life would be greatly altered by this furry companion you shouldn’t hesitate. If cost is an issue there are many people who learn to train their animals on their own. This isn’t the most ideal situation, but you would be amazed at the level of detection your personally trained dog can have!

Service dogs are incredible animals that bring hope into their owner’s lives. It is amazing the large difference a small animal can make on a human. Companionship alone is a nice quality to have, but pairing that with a life-saving friend is a true game changer.